Get in the Game - Earn Mastery in Finding Simple Solutions to Complex Problems! / Spearhead Technical Excellence by Unleashing its Mystery!
Code Crunchers is an event to test the programming ability of the participants. Here, the code cruncher has to discover missing code fragments as well as insert new code. It allows accessing their rich editing experience with syntax coloring, squiggle, and search and keyboard shortcuts. Code Crunchers provides fun for the most skilled coders.
Arpit Walia | 9467860016 |
Animesh Verma | 9896426566 |
This is a QUIZ based event which is divided into three rounds-
Roshan Kumar | 7988517475 |
Ritik Raj | 8102358064 |
The participants will be distributed a BOOKLET based on two major
programming language, that is, JAVA and C++.
They will get a chance to go through the booklet for half an hour and
based on their command, they can select to perform a quiz based on
either of the languages. The top one team from each category will be
declared winner.
Team Size: 2
Event Type: Group
Shivam Kumar | 9304961453 |
Kaveri Negi | 8168045239 |
Robo-Soccer is a competitive and innovative sporting event. It combines
elements of robotics and sportsmanship to create an exciting and
engaging experience for both participants and spectators. Robo-Soccer
event involves teams of robots that are designed and built by teams of
programmers, and robotics enthusiasts. Each team consists of 3 bots
that chase a ball around the arena and coordinate together to score
more goals than the opposing team.
Type of event: Group
Team Size: Minimum 3 and Maximum 5
Harsh | 9729253216 |
Vikas | 8295066716 |
This diverse quiz competition spans across realms such as Internet of
Things (IoT), Electronics, Geography, Current Affairs, Entertainment,
and Ethics. Participants engage in a dynamic exchange of knowledge,
tackling questions on interconnected devices, electronic principles, global
landscapes, recent events, pop culture, and ethical dilemmas. This
intellectual showdown tests their multidisciplinary expertise, fostering a
holistic understanding of our interconnected world.
Team Size: 3
Event Type: Group
Ashish | 8709300186 |
Abhishek | 8709300186 |
Technology has taken unparalleled pace today. Ideas travel from brain
goes through researches and experiments and transform current
technology in no time. Our aim of this event is to pull those ideas out of
the brains of those, who are capable of revolutionize the world of
technology in other dimension.
Team Size:
Minimum: 1 participants,
Maximum: 2 participants
Type of event: Group
Vikas Kumar | 7372896673 |
Abusuphiyan | 9508314689 |
Robo races are a fusion of technology and excitement, where machines built with
precision and innovation compete in a whirlwind of speed and agility. Each turn and
straightaway is a testament to human creativity, programming prowess, and the
relentless pursuit of excellence in the realm of robotics. In our robotic racing
competition, the participants encounter a variety of challenges within a large arena.
These challenges include small ditches, mountains, rough roads, and other tough
obstacles. The participants must navigate through all these difficulties to complete the
race successfully. Our races involve one-on-one competitions. The final criteria for
determining the winner is based on the decisions made by the panel of judges.
Type of event: Solo
Team Size:1
Hardik Gujral | +91 7988042459 |
Bhavya Mittal | +91 8439509162 |
The building of balsa-wood bridges is very often used as an educational
technology. It may be accompanied by a larger project involving varying areas of
Typically classes which would include a balsa wood bridge cover the subject
areas of physics, engineering, static equilibrium, or building trades, although it
may be done independently of any of these subjects. Building a balsa wood
bridge can be done after completing a section or unit covering a related topic or
the process of design and building can be used to guide students to a better
understanding of the desired subject area.
Team Size:3
Type of event: Group
The efficiency of the bridge is calculated as the ratio of the load taken to the self-weight of the bridge, team whose design has the highest efficiency will be the winner.
Mr. Rajeev Ranjan Singh | 9472977740 |
Mr. Vikram Thakur | 8787616373 |
In paper cable contest the participants will be fabricating their own rope by using
A4 size paper without any adhesive. The efficiency of the cable is calculated as
the ratio of the load taken by the rope to the self-weight of the rope, team whose
design has the highest efficiency will be the winner
Team Size:2
Type of event: Group
The efficiency of the cable is calculated as the ratio of the load taken by the rope to the self-weight of the rope, team whose design has the highest efficiency will be the winner.
Ms. Jaspreet Kaur | 9729713691 |
Mr. Santosh Mahto | 7700809840 |
Dexter’s Lab is an event to test the debugging ability of the participants. Here, participants are required to find out the bugs/errors and solve with appropriate solution. The event comprises of two rounds:
Ms. Jaspreet Kaur | 9729713691 |
Mr. Santosh Mahto | 7700809840 |
‘Lathe Wars’ is a technical event/competition of mechanical engineering
department. This competition provides a platform to the students to unleash their machining skills and perform various operations that one
can do with a lathe machine.
Team Size:Individual
Type of event: Solo
Sunidhya Bhadwal | 8899467420 |
Suraj kumar jha | 9939392656 |
‘Pedalcraft Building & Battling is a technical event/competition of
mechanical engineering department. This competition provides a
platform to the students to unleash their assembling and dissembling
skills and give their best in slow racing.
Team Size:3-5
Type of event: Group
Sunidhya Bhadwal | 8899467420 |
Suraj kumar jha | 9939392656 |